
About AI Safety Support


AI Safety Support (AISS) was created in mid 2020 by Linda Linsefors and JJ Hepburn. Originally AISS was just a brand and a website to promote and support a variety of AI safety field-building activities conducted by the two founders.  We deliberately did not make any long-term plans for AISS, but instead focused on filling the most urgent needs we noticed in the community while knowing that these needs may shift over time. 


Our mission is to reduce existential and catastrophic risks from AI by supporting everyone who wants to work on this problem. We want to give as many people as possible the chance to succeed.

Our guiding principles:

What we actually do (currently):

Join Us

If you share our mission you are more than welcome to join us. We will be happy to share our resources and network with you. If you have your own ideas for something you want to do to support AI Safety research, we will help you . If you have some time you want to donate to our projects, then get in touch and we will discuss ways you can help, while respecting the value of your time.

If you want to join forces with us, send an email to jj@aisafetysupport.org or linda.linsefors@gmail.com.

AI Safety Support Ltd

AI Safety Support Ltd is an Australian company limited by guarantee and a registered charity with that Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.

PO Box 1095 North Sydney NSW 2059, Australia

ACNC Registerd Charity logo